MindBlow and Mind Below
Human mind is numberless wonder of whole universe. This is the most fertile field of world. More you sow much you reap out of it.
The usage of this part of human body needs accurate and precise approach.
The tool to sharpen the upper part of human body is only through education. The education can change the life of human being. This had been proven by scientific development of our world. Thus in most advanced and developed society, every possible care is taken in education sector applications.
Are we in India caring for this vital aspect of human being? This story is a little effort to discuss the national education with special reference to one of the leading and progressive state named Haryana.
According to 2001 census the population of largest democracy of the world was 1027015247.
The managing of this huge population is a specialized job. To do this it required extra accuracy and farsightedness approach. Education is among first thrust, which need to be carefully managed, because it is directly linked to development of nation.
In 2002 India had 199144199 students starting from class 1 to higher education level. It means 19.
3% of population was of student community.
Government and NGO's are working hard to expand the area of education in the country, but their efforts are not yielding up to mark satisfaction.
In India in 2002 there were 113883060 students in primary school level. In middle school level numbers of students were 44828235.
That means 69% of primary school students' left their studies before or after fifth class. The facts and figures are similar in every year.
In same year (2002) there were 44828235 it mans 55% of student in middle school level whereas the number of high school students 20053986 who gave up their school bags after eight class. Continue to this process 48% of students left their studies from high school level to secondary level.
But here in last I am very surprised to see that after 10+2 level study gives up cases has drastically come down to 5%. This statistics clearly indicate that if student reaches primary level his or her probability of leaving school is 61%.
If students cross first barrier (primary level) and reach to middle school then his percentage of leaving come down to 55%. Further after 10th standard to secondary levels this percentage further come down to 48%. Finally if he / she get passed 10+2 exam, the percentage to achieve higher education / professional education is 95%, which is very high as comparative to primary and middle level. These facts and figures clearly indicate that primary to middle classes are studies leaving prone classes.
Are these studies leaving the prone classes targeted by our education planners? .
Answer is clearly no. This is very evident from following statistics.
In primary school level student / teacher ratio in India is 59:1, for middle class it was 31:1, whereas in 10+2 level it was 17:1 in 2002.In comparison to above after 10+2 level education there are 272 universities, 8737 colleges (general), 838 technology/ engineering college, 725 medical college, 846 teacher training colleges, 5462 polytechnic and it is and 1175 teacher training schools. This type planning will show its effects on society because knowledge level of population will be of high contrast. This will lead to fragmentation of that society which is already fragmented in the name of religion, caste and creeds.
In this situation, the Education will work reversibly. This can be averted by making middle level focused education policy.
So emphasis of our education policy should be on study leaving prone classes.i.e.
5th to 8th classes. The environment and education should be planned in such manner that student of these classes does not leave their studies in want of school are money. If the quantum of the students increases in 10+2 level then there will be more and more talents available for higher studies. This will not only enhance the level of knowledge among all sections of society in equilibrium but also give up maximum opportunities to maximum.
This will show results in quality of higher study level. In which 50% of education budgets are invested. Take the case of Haryana in education. This small state has done commendable work as compare to other states of India.
But due to non-practical approach of education planning, as in national education policy results are not up to the mark. Student teacher ratio in primary level was 39:1 as compare to national student teacher ratio 59:1 in 2002.
For middle classes this ratio in state was 33:1 in contrast to national average 31:1. Here one point is to mention this state was created on 1st nov.1966.
The above student teacher ratio for the corresponding year was 43:1 and 30:1 for primary and middle classes respectively. Education budget at the creation of state in 1966 was merely 277.2 Lac rupees. Which reached 138429.51 Lac was invested which was 55.7% of total money allocated to education.
Thus after this statistics of one of the pioneer states of India one can guess situations in UP, Bihar, Orrisa and rest of other states of country.
To make mind blowing and not blowing quantum of the student is directly linked to excellence in education. Money and personals are here only precise planning is required.
Will our education planners ever do this and when? Answer to these questions lies in dark room. Who will open the doors of this dark room is to be seen yet.
Dinesh Singh Rawat
Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.
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By: Dinesh singh