It's an exciting time for solar panels. A new thin polymer photovoltaic layer called Powerglass can be applied to windows, canopies and roofs to turn them into mini power plants to supply electricity to the structure on which they are applied. This is a new concept that involves solar power generation built right into windows that makes use of the structure and surface area that would be perfect for a solar panel array.
Huge high rise buildings have much more surface area in the form of windws than they do on top of their roughs. This means that Powerglass is poised to be an attractive idea and potentially can increase the use of solar panels dramatically. This is a very pleasant surprise to the solar panel industry which is just now starting to blossom.Solar panel investors have recently seen a nice surprise in their portfolios. Many small stocks have increased 3 to 4 fold over the last 6 months.
Thin film polymer photovoltaic layers can now be layed right onto the glass of windows without any loos in visibility. Large area sheets of thin-film pv can now be spread onto glass in a manner that is cost effective. Currently, companies are racing to make use of this new technology and build factories to output this thin film material to meet the demand that is currently rising as more engineers and building contractors are learning about Power Glass.
Perhaps this thin film solar panel will someday soon be produced at such a rate where more and more manufactures will get creative with how to use it. Perhaps it will start to coat the side of trucks who have all that sqaure footage of metal beaming in the sun all day long. These solar panels work not only on window glass, but on any solid surface. As manufacturing steps up, thin film PV will be produced in larger quantities and with a lower price tag to the consumer. Rolled flexible plastic can lead to low cost and high efficiency solar devices that provide an alternative to unflexible glass silicon cells.
This is great news because silicon is starting to become expensive as supply is not increasing and keeping up with demand. Patented manufacturing design to produce the Power Glass films will soon reach a multi megawatt level. Multi megawatt factories making thin film solar panels will allow solar power to give your local electric utility some serious competetion.
There is much more to be written about this subject, so please visit my website for more information about solar panels:
.Noah Stephens is an expert on photovoltaic solar panels. Visit his website
By: Noah Stephens