Trends in Robotic Parking Garages - In many countries robotic parking structures are much more common than in the United States which is very interesting since Americans own more cars and vehicles per capita than in any place in the First World.
Stopping Locust Plagues Is It Possible - Can mankind stop locust plagues and swarms using a sound wall? Should we try? Well we have a lot to gain if it works do we not? Sure we do, think of the devastation these Locust Plagues cause our species? Can we build a sound wall that the insects.
Organic Insect Design For LongLife and a Million Year Evolutionary Run - If mankind capable of bettering the efforts of what some creationists call god; that is to say can we become our own god? It appears that time is rapidly approaching, as we are already doing modification of our own species thru augmentation and su.
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